Membership Information

  • Scottsdale Flying Club, Inc. is accepting new members!
    • Please contact John Shearer, Jon Phelps, or Eric Wood for more information.
  • Membership Fee: $1500
    • Partially refundable upon leaving the club if there is a new member on the waiting list that can take your place.Membership Dues: $125 per month (has not changed in the history of the club).
  • Please be able to provide proof of airplane renter's insurance to cover the clubs deductible. Insurance requires:
    • 10 hours of complex aircraft time with at least 5 hours in make and model.
    • 100 hours PIC. Sometimes the insurance will grant a waiver if someone is close or already has an instrument rating.
    • ​We have CFIs that can help with this.
  • ​Monthly member meetings and quarterly social events
  • Scottsdale Flying Club, Inc is a non-profit